Do you have a dog that shows signs of anxiety? Maybe your dog excessively barks or paces around the house or yard. Does your dog withdraw and shy away from loud noises or strangers? Or maybe your dog’s anxiety shows up in aggressive or destructive ways. If you can relate to any of these scenarios, read on for more tips and advice on how to deal with your dog’s anxiety in natural ways.
All dog breeds and ages can be affected by anxiety. Dogs may respond by shutting down and withdrawing or even becoming aggressive or overly energetic. The most common causes of anxiety in dogs are fear, separation, and aging. All of these can show up in different ways.
Symptoms of anxiety in dogs include:
-excessive barking
-separation anxiety
-indoor accidents
-changes in behavior
-withdrawing or hiding
-panting or drooling
-pacing or restlessness
Some common anxiety triggers include being around strangers, being in new environments, loud noises, overstimulation, or separation from their family. While dogs can experience anxiety from time to time, pet parents should be concerned if this anxiety becomes recurrent, persistent, or leads to aggressive or destructive behaviors.
The first step in dealing with dog anxiety is to talk with your veterinarian to rule out any medical concerns. The vet may also be able to help you identify possible triggers and determine if your dog needs medication.
Once the vet has been consulted, owners can use training, behavior modification practices, and trigger awareness to help reduce or even eliminate their dog’s anxiety. In addition, toys and chews can be used to provide comfort.
Canophera chews are an ideal choice for dogs who experience intermittent or persistent anxiety. Chewing can be a calming activity for dogs because it allows them to release stress and focus on this comforting behavior. Dogs have a natural desire to chew and when they are able to chew well, they satisfy and calm this internal need.
Just like humans have certain preferences and tastes in food, dogs also have their own desires when it comes to chews. Canophera offers a variety of chews to suit the different preferences of dogs. For the dogs who simply enjoy chewing, our Coffee wood stick is a great place to start. If your dog is a more aggressive chewer, the Briar Root may be the best option. For those dogs who prefer more taste and flavor, our Red Deer Antlers and Sheep Horns are a great choice. And for those playful pups, the Coffee & Coco toy offers both a chew and tug option.

Aberdeen here was recently adopted from a shelter and still shows signs of anxiety and nervousness. He is very shy with strangers and tends to stick close to his pet parents when he is nervous. When Aberdeen first got his Antler Split, he immediately took it behind the bush, fearing someone would take it away. This behavior shows his anxiety and suggests he would benefit from chewing to help calm him. By chewing on a natural chew such as an Antler, Aberdeen will most likely feel calmer and establish more safety in his home.
While anxiety in dogs can be stressful for both the pet parents and the dog, in most cases it can be managed and treated to reduce the overall impact on the whole family. After talking with your vet, consider natural and more affordable options first like Canophera chews. Our chews could be just what your anxious pup needs!